Wednesday, January 31, 2007

the joy of quizzes and polls

I just went to a web site and did a bunch of truly fun quizzes that have no moral, political, spiritual or mystical value but are very entertaining. It is called truly-dippy quizzes and a great way to amuse the easily amused. I love polls and quizzes no matter what they are entertaining. Do they tell the truth HELL NO. Everyone in the world has a edit button including and especially in the confessional as I remember as a child growing up. They are fun quizzes and polls. I do not believe that we should tailor our thinking and belief system on them no Like I said we all have an edit button. and the people who need to use it the most rarely do. Factoid Two: I can believe whatever my truth is no matter what pressure society and family and Institutions place on me////// to the cynic and oversugared. Factiod TWO flipside: Too many people think you want or need their truth. Jesus helped you, yes, Great, NOT MY EXPERIENCE, QUIT LEAVING RELIGIOUS PAMPHLETS ON MY DOOR CONSIDERING A PENTACLE is HANGING NEXT TO have moved from concern to obnoxious just because Jesus, God and cross are written on the paper doesnot make it Magic it won't convert me automatically. because my experience with Jesus has been extremely unpleasant enough for an aversion to occur in my soul. Not because I am evil and deny Christ But because I know to much about the history of the church and the times that formed it to be impressed your pamphlets. I have had also too much interaction with pious christians to be impressed SORRY . I hold pious people up to same standard of excellence that I do other people who profess to be better morally and ethically, should be held to . Sinner is not an option when you are trying to convert people to a system of belief you believe is better than theirs. People deny Christ because they Know to much about christianity, not too little. Do not feel Sorry for us we are at peace. We feel sorry for you and pray for you.

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