- Fire Festival I just love it I wish that there could be a huge bonfire at circle and we could burn effigies of tyrants for good luck. Since I am being nice I will not go in to detail and description of said tyrants, but open the mind and just start imaginating as my partner likes to say. There is a call on the net for poetry to celebrate the fire Goddess Brigid for the celts so lets be a bard today and honor her with offerings OKlahoma Dreaming Oh verdant plain of endless miles I walk a path to see your soul Around me bud the newborn flowers As Spring she eases Winter's hold Ahead of me there runs a stream It winds its way to meet its mate Together they will grow in force Until they push down to the sea. Up in the sky there flies a hawk In lazy circles she does dance Her partner, wind, lightly blows His southern breath it warms the plain Good-bye Madame winter dear Your visit was most kind this year I see shy Lady Spring has come She quietly returns to start the play Soon after comes Queen Summers advent and with this Lady the wheat will ripen The grouse will play among the grain The mice will scamper in the heat A bawdy Autumn Dame will enter The harvest moon will rise again Her glorious colors shall sheath the trees As Winter starts to gather her strength The Madame Winter will return I'll shake within her cold stare Her beauty icy to behold The year will die and be reborn again. The plain she watches quietly all The ancient drama replayed again She knows that she will still be here When I am a memory of the wind. not public domain copyrighted March 1999 Sophia
Factoid Three: All european pagan societies had bards all were honored many were blind .
No unpleasant fact Its a holiday.
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