Monday, February 12, 2007

forgivness addiction and religion

My Husband is in his studio painting, He just finished designing a new computer desk and soon I will have a room for meditating and doing yoga and a ritual room... I honestly believe that people need room to do the things they love... I love ritual devotion but I must fight the need to be lazy continually... I have a good live and now with my two blogs I have a way to throw out to the universe my outrage and spirituallity.... Having studied other spiritual and religious traditions I have found in them a phobia against anger and a obsessive-complusive desire to force forgiveness on victim of trauma... I am puzzled about this because when a prophet comes down from the mountain in righteous rage rarely do the people who worship him tell him to TAKE a chill pill..... Yet a women gets rape or a man is injured in a robbery everyone is on their backs about forgiveness especially if the said crime is done by a so-called pillar of society..... I realised meditating on this is that rarely is a religion concerned with the anger and crimes of the elite... In their job as a societal sedative religions have sold their souls.... to the lower classes, the oppressed, to women the mantra is that anger is evil and forgiveness must come first in ones mind unless the prepatrator is also of an oppressed class then an eye for an eye is used to slake the cultures anger, later they will press the victim to forgive. Forgiveness can never be forced, you cannot pray it into existence it only enters the soul when you realize what a sad sack the person who hurt you is and you care more about leaving the persons influence than holding on to the anger.....Relative who harmed one I have seen in myself and others are rarely forgiven until they are dead or permanently out of your life..... In rare occurances were the prep is truely remorseful and has tried to rectify the wrong that rare miracle of true forgiveness occurs.... For many people being civil to the prep and relative is the only forgiveness they can give and remain in a relationship..... But that is enough and it is really great amount of generosity on the part of the victim that rarely is praised in all the religious tract and pseudo-psycho-religo psycho babble popular today.... Do you really need to forgive someone A person harmed by another NEVER NEEDS TO FORGIVE THAT PERSON they only need not retaliate that in itself is a great form of forgiveness that is pooh-pooohed and minimized in our retribution driven society. If I do not want forgive someone no big deal I just do not let them rule my mental space or life... Not forgiving someone usually means that my instinct is telling me not to trust that person.... Human instinct is for self preservation. Religions Hate it because it would rather you trust their employees rather that your own intinct.... That is why instinct and its wisdom is ridicule, called female intuition, old wives tale, for men femenine side or being chicken. Factoid six: The world can be saved by only one person and that person at a time. I can only save myself but i can help myself and others with care not books and guns. Anti-factoid six: Cold weather in the spring time doesnot mean there is no global warming it means that we screwed up GAIA'S INTERNAL CLOCK ,,,

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