Monday, April 30, 2007


Well the spring has sprung and beltane is here for months I have been redecorating and getting past negative influences out of the house and I have reached the 3/4 mark in finishing the house... for right now with the holidays bursting and bustling around I have taken a vacation from grade A professional house cleaning I am doing this spring..I have returned to bakhti and meditation work and I am picking up my needlework and going to the gym to take care of myself> My dead line is to start in early june to push to finish cleaning the house and also I need to start my magickal parctice and studies...I went to Barnes and Noble and found two grand books on sale and after I do my requisite 2-hour stitching I will open them up and divine new knowledge..One of the books is a translation of the Book of the dead that my husband has jealously appropriated<> he loves anything ancient egyptian, the other book is by Phyllis Currott.. I have been able to start fine tuning my diet as I work to the goal of becoming a vegetarian again and my husband the carnivore has been enjoying the change in having vegg days and meat days again.. Beltane was celebrated on saturday this past weekend and my partner and I are quite enjoying becoming part of the Cuups community..It is easier when dealing with relatives of his for him to cop to being a unitarian that way strange ministers do not show up on our doorstep along with pamphlets in the mail and membership to tele-evanglist clubs that occured when he copped to being a buddhist..So being a Pagan has grown into a path that grows more beautiful and beneficent with each passing season..what started in youth as thumbing ones nose at society has in maturity become a belief and lifestyle of such comfort and joy that is impposible to deny ones soul once this path is started. The beauty of this spring is no better shown than in my peonies that bloomed in time to become part of the holiday gift offering to the gods.. Merrie part from the hinterlands Goodpoint; holidays are good for women and man. pagan HOLIDAYS are good animals and pets ALSO as my cat Sumo is purring to put on this blog

Saturday, April 28, 2007

"The VA SAys" BFD

VA accepted the pentacle BFD It will still be a fight to see it on a stone or to see a Wicca or pagan officiate at a funeral in a military cemetary as in Indian country they cannot seem to find a buddhist to officiate at one of their burials...My father after spending weeks getting pamplets exhorting him to find christ before he died needed to suffer a christian chaplain at his burial... Buddhist are just too exotic down here in Indian country..The VA has never ever accepted in conservative parts of the country any religion but Christianity and barely tolerates Judaism.. In liberal parts of the country they just keep their mouths shut and do the chrisitian thing... This is the truth of the VA...Here where I live they do not even practice bare civility when speaking to you, the Hospital Chaplains...My husband told one he was pagan and believed in a higher power for his trouble in explaining his belief He got an AT LEAST YOU BELIEF THAT as though he were a Spiritual Slacker///And that is what we are viewed as by these christian soldier chaplains as spiritual slacker in danger going spiritually Awol and thus should not be encouraged as we are a Bad Discipline risk.... Then you just have the stupid VA nurses and doctors who see a pentacle on your neck and refuse to run tests on you in the Emergency room and send you home to come back on Monday.. In the process pissing off your primary doctor who doesnot know you wear a pentacle...Before Hillary it was impossible to get good care at the VA if you were a Woman,,But the Clintons took care of that...Now with the Bush administration it is Hard to get good care if you Belong to a religion not of a Montheistic Bent...The back lash of being a AcKnowledge Pagan and in the VA system is not worth the aggravation and Possible dangers of lax medical care.. But maybe now we can give them the bird by having a pentacle on our graves, but like I said I will believe having a pentacle is possible when I see one where my father is buried and If it is true and they honor the law without digging their heels in... Then I be buried there and my husband also, but like I said when I see it in action then I will believe it.. merry part from the provinces.... Bad point: Just because they say you can do it does not mean they will put it on the the stone or keep it on the stone.... The VA promises veterans bullshit every day you are in the system it does not mean they are going to give it to you.....Disabled VEt realitiy lesson one...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

blast of a gothic songstress

I have been staying away from the news the last few days and spending time working on simple things like energy raising and bhakti to my personal Gods..I also have been on the internet trolling. To my great delight I discovered a bunch of Lene Lovich and Kate Bush clips and I am in Hog heaven..Lene Lovich is the original Queen of Goth and I loved her music in the late 70's..I was introduced to her before MTV existed on a Music Show that came on after mid-night on Friday on Channel 13 in Los Angeles it was devoted to the new medium of music videos...Out of them all she was striking in visuals and costume techno-rock with a slavic flavoring and being 1/2 slavic I was mesmerized..>I am enjoying the dip back into my disreputable youth that the internet is alllowing me ...I need to state a hearty thank you to the techno-Goddesses and Gods for the internet..Without it I would not have the pleasant distraction that rediscovering Lene it has allowed me. ...Again I need to state a hearty thank you to techno-Goddesses and Gods for the internet...Without iT I would be dwelling on unpleasantaries instead havin a blast from the past time.. Merry part the Provinces Good point: the internet can be abused but it also gives a great deal enjoyment.
I feel That in life most people do not get the respect they deserve it seems as though death is necessary for many to be appreciated and some times in death those that should be forgotten are canonized when they should be vilified.. the students and teachers at VA tech should be canonized and lionized because they are a the victims in a world were collateral damage is accepted.. We must have our guns so these people are the drive -by victims of our insane love for powerful and destructive toys.. I have nothing against someone owning a winchester or a handgun if they were in the army or received training... I do believe that owning a gun needs to become a priveledge and not a right.. just as having a child should be viewed a gift from the goddess and not the thing every one does at a certain time of their life.. These people deserve prayer and devotion and in the next 90 days as their souls acclimate to death we should light candles to light their way or nightlight if unable to light candles and pray that they are guided to the heaven of their souls home or to a auspiciuos new life and pray that they are at peace. I hope that the mentally ill gunman is helped in death as he was not able to be help here on this plane..I hope those that tried to help the victims and the prepatrator continue to be of service to people and not be discouraged by the final outcome of these events.. Tragedy occur in life frequently and must be studied to learn from but one cannot simply us this a political ploy to prove your beliefs are right whether conservative or liberal...People will be bitter but the victim and the prepatrator must helped with prayer and the friends and family comforted...I honestly believe if we study the tragedy first and then assign blame after first seeing to the honoring of the dead. I wish that when something like this happens there be a moritorium on comments from politicians and committee formed to see what caused the event... Everyone will have an opinion on this in the end..I stated mine above..We need to move beyond opinion to solution and see that the mentally ill receive help and that these things do not happen again... thank you and merry part from the hinterlands...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

betrayal Rethought or Bloudeuwedd's crime?

I was thinking about the Welsh goddess Bloudeuwedd, the beautiful one, the one conjured from the most beautiful of things, flowers... she is the betrayer, her story is of betrayal....I know of Her from the welsh legend of the Sun Gods unfaithful wife, at face value it is a domestic drama the legend of female villainy... but that is face value.. the legend tells of how Bloudeuwedd was created to only pleasure and love the Sun God Her existence and destiny was as A male God's sexual Object of pleasure... The Legend is not a to be taken at face value no myth or legend should be..the betrayal is not that of the Sun God by a unfaithful consort but as the betrayal of Bloudeuwedd... in creating her for one purpose her autonomy has been destroyed as a play thing. She is given no free will and thus this story is something that patriarchal men do not understand...Lugh gives her no choice he has betrayed her right as a being to free will thus he pays in making her his slave with his life...It is Ironic that her price for killing her spouse is to be changed into an owl, and given the wings to alight and find the freedom of flight...The envy of mankind for millenia... So is she betrayer, or betrayed, is she punished or set free ultimately that is in the Eye of the Beholder. It is a story do not raise your daughters to be wives, mothers or handmaidens only. Allow them to choose their destiny, biology is not destiny. Raise them to be Human with hopes and dream and a wish to create with life, not clay to be molded into a vessel for someone else...For not to do so can lead to dire and fatal consequences... Merrie Part from the provinces.....

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Oh holy bullshit, more Fundie Frolics and Imus

I really have been working hard at getting the house done before the Solstice season is coming we expect to have a secular party in the summer to celebrate the renovation of the house...And I want to have a good fire festival outside to bring in the summer.. if spring ever comes back....While I was painting Christianne Amanpour my favorite journalist came on CNN with a report on England's battle with radical religious extermists...It was depressing then when I stop for the day I needed really to hear from nutcase female religious extremists of xian persuasion talk about how our female soldiers are disrespecting the female sex and motherhood by doing their duty to their country and agreeing with the President of Iran about How women need to be treated in a taliban way to protect the children and motherhood...THESE XIAN FUNDIE WOMEN ARE TRAITORS TO THEIR SEX AND COUNTRY...//// At a time when the ranks of the military are stretched to the breaking point they expect female soldiers to decamp because the Iranian president sneered at us for having women dress in pants let alone carry guns...This is a man that had to financially negotiate to even get married and to a girl-child he never met and we need to worry about his opinion...At a time when every soldiers is needed these conservative republican women are proposing that we cripple our military in a way that not even a radical terrorist could achieve.. Taking battle ready and harden female soldiers and replace them with what air or maybe Death row convicts... As much as I believe that pacifism the ultimate expression of sanctity, as is veganism I am neither but I am traveling in that direction but this life I am not going to become a Female with a Gandhi like life and character but I know that is the direction to follow in my future incarnations. That being said, These fundie women state that WE women are being degraded by learning to protect ourselves and our country from radical terrorists, that the wise Iranian president's government helps fund... That said female soldiers would be better serving America by passively staying at home becoming civilian targets,they and their children.Like all these Fundie women who support the war but are pure too sully their hands by actively protecting their children or maybe the new color of purity for conservative fundie Women is not White but the color yellow... Good thing Especially for my husband no more IMUS my husband hated him and is now in seventh heaven at his firing...But Imus debate is not about freedom of speech but about calling a bunch of women who were doing nothing political or socially that was outrageous nasty names and being that rude is something that society needs to stop. Good Lady! America collectively swooned over nipple with a pasty on it..Calling a group of Innocent bystanders nasty racial slur should not be tolerated and common decency won this time... Bad point: Religious Fundies they even stick up for each other and get Ideas from each other even when they belong to different religions and are at war with each other. Good point: Shock Jocks and political pundit boobs need to be reigned in every time they go over board to learn circumspection and discretion like the teenage delinquets they act like....What Imus said offends me more than A nipple but in the bible belt that is a rare opinion as the n-word is only something that white people wish they could still use and are jealous that black americans use amongst themselves.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

The dragons have come with omens

It was a surprise on Friday when My husband and I alighted to the nearest Lowes to find a Curtain rod, the decorative kind and to look at plants to adopted into my house garden and outside garden....It was surreal as snow flakes blew lightly around.. INside Lowes was pandemonium as workers rushed around to save spring offerings of plants covering the garden sections with tarps and hauling in movable displays into aisles that never have plants displayed in them.. I live in a part of the country that loves to obsess about signs, omens and prophecies...They do not take to heart the admonishment in the bible, that they love to tell you they read all the time, "about a vain and harlotish age vainlessly looking for signs and omens", while their god stands around ignoring them as he taps his foot... To me it looked like a very good sign that Gaia was fighting the fever of Global Warming with a bout of the chills...Of course I needed to state the obvious to my husband that this freak of a weather, a return of frost and snow flurries in April, would be taken by the yahoos as a sign that global warming was propaganda...I acheived great feat of divination on my part as for as we walked, the gallery walk, that night in chilly glory an acquaintance needed to inject it into a conversation and tomorrow on sunday brunch it will be brought up to cow my husband and my liberal eco-friendly political beliefs.. They will never bring up how unsual the weather is just "ugh uh it's cold can't be any global warming". I wish divining Lotto winning number could be done this easily.. But the Goddess of domesticity smiled on my Friday A whole bunch of stuff, of dragon themed variety was 90% off on sale on the clearance racks I saw that As a good omen that the house spirits and Goddess were happy with the Face lift the inside of the house is receiving with me painting the dowstairs... This job has consumed me for weeks and with physical labour and the cold weather the arthritis in the back has returned but Yoga keeps it at bay and the pain is a nuisance and not debilitating as pre-yoga...FOR A GOOD BOOK ON YOGA AND RELIEF IN BACK PAIN RELIEF IS IN THE STRETCH by Loren Fishman M.D. the book is a lifesaver to anyone with a bad back.. bye from the provinces and us provincials.