I really have been working hard at getting the house done before the Solstice season is coming we expect to have a secular party in the summer to celebrate the renovation of the house...And I want to have a good fire festival outside to bring in the summer.. if spring ever comes back....While I was painting Christianne Amanpour my favorite journalist came on CNN with a report on England's battle with radical religious extermists...It was depressing then when I stop for the day I needed really to hear
from nutcase female religious extremists of xian persuasion talk about how our female soldiers are disrespecting the female sex and motherhood by doing their duty to their country and agreeing with the President of Iran about How women need to be treated in a taliban way to protect the children and motherhood...THESE XIAN FUNDIE WOMEN ARE TRAITORS TO THEIR SEX AND COUNTRY...////
At a time when the ranks of the military are stretched to the breaking point they expect female soldiers to decamp because the Iranian president sneered at us for having women dress in pants let alone carry guns...This is a man that had to financially negotiate to even get married and to a girl-child he never met and we need to worry about his opinion...At a time when every soldiers is needed these conservative republican women are proposing that we cripple our military in a way that not even a radical terrorist could achieve.. Taking battle ready and harden female soldiers and replace them with what air or maybe Death row convicts...
As much as I believe that pacifism the ultimate expression of sanctity, as is veganism I am neither but I am traveling in that direction but this life I am not going to become a Female with a Gandhi like life and character but I know that is the direction to follow in my future incarnations. That being said, These fundie women state that WE women are being degraded by learning to protect ourselves and our country from radical terrorists, that the wise Iranian president's government helps fund... That said female soldiers would be better serving America by passively staying at home becoming
civilian targets,they and their children.Like all these Fundie women who support the war but are pure too sully
their hands by actively protecting their children or maybe the new color of purity for conservative fundie Women is not White but the color yellow...
Good thing Especially for my husband no more IMUS my husband hated him and is now in seventh heaven at his firing...But Imus debate is not about freedom of speech but about calling a bunch of women who were doing nothing political or socially that was outrageous nasty names and being that rude is something that society needs to stop. Good Lady!
America collectively swooned over nipple with a pasty on it..Calling a group of Innocent bystanders nasty racial slur should not be tolerated and common decency won this time...
Bad point: Religious Fundies
they even stick up for each other and get Ideas from each other even when they belong to different religions and are at war with each other.
Good point: Shock Jocks and political pundit boobs need
to be reigned in every time they go over board to learn circumspection and discretion like the teenage delinquets they act like....What Imus said offends me more than A nipple but in the bible belt that is a rare opinion as the n-word is only something that white people wish they could still use and are jealous that black americans use amongst themselves.
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