It was a surprise on Friday when My husband and I alighted to the nearest Lowes to find a Curtain rod, the decorative kind and to look at plants to adopted into my house garden and outside garden....It was surreal as snow flakes blew lightly around.. INside Lowes was pandemonium as workers rushed around to save spring offerings of plants covering the garden sections with tarps and hauling in movable displays into aisles that never have plants displayed in them..
I live in a part of the country that loves to obsess about signs, omens and prophecies...They do not take to heart the admonishment in the bible, that they love to tell you they read all the time, "about a vain and harlotish age vainlessly looking for signs and omens", while their god stands around ignoring them as he taps his foot...
To me it looked like a very good sign that Gaia was fighting the fever of Global Warming with a bout of the chills...Of course I needed to state the obvious to my husband that this freak of a weather, a return of frost and snow flurries in April, would be taken by the yahoos as a sign that global warming was propaganda...I acheived great feat of divination on my part as for as we walked, the gallery walk, that night in chilly glory an acquaintance needed to inject it into a conversation and tomorrow on sunday brunch it will be brought up to cow my husband and my liberal eco-friendly political beliefs.. They will never bring up how unsual the weather is just "ugh uh it's cold can't be any global warming". I wish divining Lotto winning number could be done this easily..
But the Goddess of domesticity smiled on my Friday A whole bunch of stuff, of dragon themed variety was 90% off on sale on the clearance racks I saw that As a good omen that the house spirits and Goddess were happy with the Face lift the inside of the house is receiving with me painting the dowstairs... This job has consumed me for weeks and with physical labour and the cold weather the arthritis in the back has returned but Yoga keeps it at bay and the pain is a nuisance and not debilitating as pre-yoga...FOR A GOOD BOOK ON YOGA AND RELIEF IN BACK PAIN RELIEF IS IN THE STRETCH by Loren Fishman M.D. the book is a lifesaver to anyone with a bad back..
bye from the provinces and us provincials.
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