I was thinking about the Welsh goddess Bloudeuwedd, the beautiful one, the one conjured from the most beautiful of things, flowers... she is the betrayer, her story is of betrayal....I know of Her from the welsh legend of the Sun Gods unfaithful wife, at face value it is a domestic drama the legend of female villainy... but that is face value.. the legend tells of how Bloudeuwedd was created to only pleasure and love the Sun God Her existence and destiny was as A male God's sexual Object of pleasure...
The Legend is not a to be taken at face value no myth or legend should be..the betrayal is not that of the Sun God by a unfaithful consort but as the betrayal of Bloudeuwedd...
in creating her for one purpose her autonomy has been destroyed as a play thing. She is given no free will and thus this story is something that patriarchal men do not understand...Lugh gives her no choice he has betrayed her right as a being to free will thus he pays in making her his slave with his life...It is Ironic that her price for killing her spouse is to be changed into an owl, and given the wings to alight and find the freedom of flight...The envy of mankind for millenia... So is she betrayer, or betrayed, is she punished or set free ultimately that is in the Eye of the Beholder.
It is a story do not raise your daughters to be wives, mothers or handmaidens only. Allow them to choose their destiny, biology is not destiny. Raise them to be Human with hopes and dream and a wish to create with life, not clay to be molded into a vessel for someone else...For not to do so can lead to dire and fatal consequences...
Merrie Part from the provinces.....
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