Well the spring has sprung and beltane is here for months I have been redecorating and getting past negative influences out of the house and I have reached the 3/4 mark in finishing the house... for right now with the holidays bursting and bustling around I have taken a vacation from grade A professional house cleaning I am doing this spring..I have returned to bakhti and meditation work and I am picking up my needlework and going to the gym to take care of myself> My dead line is to start in early june to push to finish cleaning the house and also I need to start my magickal parctice and studies...I went to Barnes and Noble and found two grand books on sale and after I do my requisite 2-hour stitching I will open them up and divine new knowledge..One of the books is a translation of the Book of the dead that my husband has jealously appropriated<> he loves anything ancient egyptian, the other book is by Phyllis Currott..
I have been able to start fine tuning my diet as I work to the goal of becoming a vegetarian again and my husband the carnivore has been enjoying the change in having vegg days and meat days again..
Beltane was celebrated on saturday this past weekend and my partner and I are quite enjoying becoming part of the Cuups community..It is easier when dealing with relatives of his for him to cop to being a unitarian that way strange ministers do not show up on our doorstep along with pamphlets in the mail and membership to tele-evanglist clubs that occured when he copped to being a buddhist..So being a Pagan has grown into a path that grows more beautiful and beneficent with each passing season..what started in youth as thumbing ones nose at society has in maturity become a belief and lifestyle of such comfort and joy that is impposible to deny ones soul once this path is started.
The beauty of this spring is no better shown than in my peonies that bloomed in time to become part of the holiday gift offering to the gods..
Merrie part from the hinterlands
Goodpoint; holidays are good for women and man. pagan HOLIDAYS are good animals and pets ALSO as my cat Sumo is purring to put on this blog