Well I think that I must find a few moments of gratitude..I thank the Goddess for my excursion in living in the bible belt with out it I would not have become a fearless pagan..I am thankful for my experience in the Marine corps without it I would not be a black-belt feminist(it broke me of the very feminine habit of being impressed by males)since that period of life I do not trust any orginization run by men..Especially an org. that says it has my welfare at heart. There is a reason why so many slang names for ineptitude orginate in the military amongst men they are masters at it. Which means that most thinking men are less impress with themselves and their achievements as a sex, than they would like natives(women and children) to know.
I love reading bigoted people trying to stick to the illusion of normal thought when pushing their chauvinism on others..Like ON Faith essay's on the need for pagan chaplains since, sorry fundies, there is a legitimate need for them..I am not one to tattle but I am a chauvinist when it comes to religion I prefer mine and with me it is My Goddesss mine, mine, mine. I cannot for the life of me want to contemplate any other way of worship..I also have an aversion to monotheistic religions may-hap in reaction to not being given a choice in what to believe as a youngster or may-be I read to many books on the forming of church philosophy and the influence of manicheasism and dualism on early church writing and thought..or may-be it was the relief after years of struggling with religion and athiesm and 12-step christianity being shoved down ones throat. I said I believe this and it does not include the Bible or Koran or a male god and garden of eden is bullshit..eve was framed...I realised I do not need to say I am sorry all the time because I am not part of the female cabal that caused to fall of man. They were uncoordinated enough to stumble on their own..
The old saying in vino veritas well in pagano veritas or whatever declination is valid. Life is hard but it can be enjoyed no one is going to zap you because you like ice cream or orgasms or what ever other small carnal pleasure that religion is hell bent on making everyone feel guilty about because guilt is a bigger money maker thay sex..There are whole holidays made from and drenched in guilt, mothers day and easter are two.
Well of being a Pagan lack of guilt about bodily functions and state of human grace or evil are a win, win. In a world that flaunt excess carnality and sexuality while demonizing it at the same time.
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