Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Sometimes in one life one must try to change the course of energy flowing around one..One can spend one's life fighting the current and living the spiritual and emotional life of a salmon going up river, exciting but emotionally draining.. or go with the flow..In the past weeks as I as was volunteering I met personable people that seemed nice a friendly and people that you would like to hang with..But for some reason that veneer of hearty friendliness disappears when you tell them you are a Buddhist forget about telling them you are pagan..I have used the Buddhist dodge to get out of church invitations..But this time I used the unitarian clause and that did not help It seems many people do not view them a christians. Of course I got pinned down until I said jesus could be savior and lord and I was let go of the verbal headlock that I was in..obviously they missed the word could..But since you are a opinionated sow why did you not just rip their theology apart Sonia???one reason only these people were related to business associates and that left one open to a try at forced indoctrination..But Sonia is that not a overeaction to the event, no when a person doesnot wish to talk about religion and you force it on them it is a try at indoctrination and also to hear themselves talk about god and go on and on kissing divine butt.
I do not convert people because I believe everyone needs to learn at their rate. The pagan path is so unpopular to the mainstream monotheists that I really do not find converting people to paganism a kind act especially to young people...To become Wicca or pagani means to lose one place in the real world and to be open to nastiness by ignorant Monotheists and from were I am sitting there are a lot of them skulking in the bushes with the other boogeymen of society.
But more enlightened people say that there are enlightened christians, I wonder how enlightened they would be if they were around a Pagani in a crisis of faith would the gloves be on or off.
but I have decided having look through my portable book of shadows and finding a Mantra in sankrit that I will be concertrating on to tap into the vibration of universal friendship. I figure it will either change me or the tenor of the people around me...
of course if it changed me I would have to give up bitching about christians and other monotheistic patriarchal religions and become part of the silent majority that allows them to behave inconscionably. the mantra is OM MITRAYA NAMAHA.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ah Harry we thought we knew you well
Well Harry the supposed rebel the Pied Piper leading scores of children to Hell is now known to be Christian..Why so because a quote on a headstone and a Mother's sacrifice? Suddenly Harry is so christian because his mother sacrfices her life for him..Harry is Christian, sorry kids, no help in subverting the world order from him..There are other aspects of the story that have a christian flavor..But this self-congratulatory belief that only chirstians can and want to sacrifice for love shows the superior attitude they have when judging themselves before others...There are many a story amongst many religious folk of sacrfice love, undying loyalty these are not strictly christian traits that they have a monopoly on. My Husband once explaining to a Korean couple his beliefs system and what is expect of him in his daily relationship with people..Needed to keep reiterating that he is pagan Odinist as the couple kept telling him He was christian in his beliefs.
I guess what my complaint is that there is a great deal of self-congratulatory pats on the back when christians explain their philosophy and belief system to others, and among their naive a great deal of credulousness when they learn yes pagan gave gifts..Yes yellow people believe in heaven and can be moral..My personal observation from childhood is that my Buddhist family member had a greater degree of personal humility than my christian relations.
About ancient Pagan Philosophy and religion not much is known and there is a reason for this as in 5th, 6th and 7th century a concerted effort was made to destroy competing religious and Philosophical thought with the state religion. Another reason If you burn the works of all the writers you plagiarized then You take over the idea lock, stock and barrel. Ovid was not the only Pagan writer to complain about the plagiarizing of popular pagan work by Early Christian writers it seems to be a common complaint of writers of the era. All we have left is some pagan philosophers works maybe only been saved because an Abbot like the work.
with the coming of state religion came the loss of secular education and with it scientific inquiry. Many works were lost most of the male philosophers work and all of the female philosophers work were lost
and yes there were female philosophers all that is left of them is Sappho and I doubt the if she was not a poetic genuis with the big plus of appealing to men's girl on girl action fantasies she would have gone the way of the ancient female writers consign to some long distant bonfire.
I sometimes get an Buddhist Idea that I should stop bashing the followers of jesus and then they write something or say something so unconsciously arrogant, but look at you with hurt eyes when you call them on it ...Because the assumption that they are superior simply because they have the joy of knowing christ so ingrained and it is found in their liberals that so-called natural superiority that their religion is the light. I am of the belief that liberal christians are the minority..Oh maybe not on the left coast but everywhere else they are. I am a great believer in learning from the past and taking people on their word..The last devout christian I talked to would not leave me alone until I said I believe that christ could be Lord and saviour luckily they did not hear could and this in a work setting..I hear there is supposedly a liberal bunch of them I personally have never met any of them that would personally take down one of their own verbally when they are harrasing a person politely.. The last one who did in front of me was me, I was protecting a jew and a buddhist but then I am no longer a liberal christian because they are not the people running the religion and I sadly do not believe that christ existed I believe he is a dream within a dream within an illusion so mercurial that no one will ever know his reality.
merrie part from the hinterlands...
Friday, August 24, 2007
ode to uncertainty
I grew up in the christian faith and I learned growing up that the worst thing I could have was doubt( the explantion was that it usually had a satanic origin). I was taught that the greatest gift was faith and the best faith to have was absolutist faith..Since I was a very skeptical child I had to hear ad nauseum stories of faith, proverbs about faith, pray innumerous prayers for faith.. None of this worked because I could never understand Why none of the miracles of the past can be recreated today by devoted saint-like persons and also why people who talk to jesus nowdays are placed in mental health facilities and sedated..Treatment that as a child I grew to believe would have help ancient humankind a great deal if it was used on various prophets because many of them seemed to need a good dose of thorazine, especially when they went on and on about women.
I am in my forties, now I truely believe that the greatest gift that the universe can give a person is doubt..Doubt is at the beginning of every scientific quest and every philosophical endeavour, without it we would still be in the dark ages thinking fish were created by water. I pray that in every life I have in the future I have doubt and Disillusion for instead of being negative in life they are the whips that spur one to learn and discover..It has always been doubt that caused me to go the library and learn if something is true..I do not nowdays trust anyone who tells me not to doubt to have faith in things, my body, mind and spirit say are not so. I especially do not and will never trust anyone who says to me "Let me have faith for you" what they are saying is "I will do your thinking for you, Liebchen"..I think that phrase is the spookiest I ever heard from a Monotheist. It makes me still shudder and recoil mentally.
When I was small I was a devout girl, one is always a true believer before evolving into a skeptic, but modern religion has a huckster quality around it, that I found at odds with The Ideals of spirituality. As a young person I came to believe that the maintream religion had 1600 plus year to change the world and it seemed they still needed to convert every body instead of changing the behauviour of their parishioners which was scandalous most of the time.
After going to college and studying socio-paradigms I came to the socialist view that religion is a construct to control the masses and allow the powerful to stay in power..ONe only needs to look at the pope who is more concerned with destroying the power of disobediant catholic politicians than having poor catholics vote for politicians that have their best interests at heart, a bit like muslims voting the way the iman wants them to.
It is easy to see why people hate religion, It is really rarely Jesus that people hate. It is the political and social entities that sprang up around him that people are uncomfortable with..I had a friend who is christian ask me why people of my ilk do not trust christian institutions and the overly religious with power..I believe that the christian takeover of rome and the dark ages has alot to do with it..As well as the continued propganda tactics christian institutions and their apologists use..Dissembling, disinformation and distortion of facts that would make a communist propagandist mute from awe and envy.
But to get back to doubt, certainty is the hobgoblin of creativity and doubt that is treated like a bastard child by faith is truely a virtue..I never heard any one say that their doubt is the greatest doubt on earth and turn around and kill scores of people to prove it true I have seen people of faith do that in stories of the past and in the present..So I view doubt as a blessing may more people be blessed with it..
merrie part from the hinterlands, blessed be.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
to be home again
to be home again
in small ways and large
can home be returned to after
childhood gone and parental demise
is that home or
is it a illusion, a detention center
of ones youth, the place that one spends
ones life recovering from, the trenches
is one forever
to return to a past.
that long ago is gone
forever looking backward
as though it is
a cup of tea well drank
and all is left but tea leaves
that one would study and divine
and in them find the answer
of what did happen in that home
amongst that past, is it the future we divine
or is that past that we wish to exorcise and replace
what answer will be found
in black teas leaves from faraway land
what answer will be found
in past long ago times
may be what is a home and where is it.
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