Friday, April 11, 2008

back to normal

Well I am back to normal the drugs wore off and no fairies or shadow people hiding under the bed. the cold weather and my husbands surgery snapped me back into reality. The protesters trying to put out the Olympic flame gave me a great deal of pleasure and I hope that the Buddhist world-wide realize that westerners do care for them. Catching Jim Carrey speaking about Burma was great to he look incredibly nervous but sincere and brave. I read a book The Gift of inner Peace I bought in a bin at Barnes and Noble it was comforting and got back to my Buddhist half. I view my faith as shaped by Buddhism, yoga and Wicca. But Wiccan I stay as long as it is an oppressed minority. I guess in this life that is my path to walk a line between east and west as my genetic code is. mp bb

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