I have been working this past week on getting and meditation and ritual room together and so I have been painting. I have been running around today and picking up odds and ends for the room... I will never cease to be amazed at the way the pentacle is being marketed in this part of the world... If you slap the words Lone Star on the packaging you can have the pentacle plastered all over an object. If a soldier dies defending the US... Heaven Forbid he get it on his tombstone. Last year we drove through Dallas and saw pentacles all over freeway overpasses, But heaven forbid Bush do the right thing and make the VA put a pentacle on heroes graves.
Factoid seven: Spring is returning and planting will begin
for the emotionally diabetic
anti-factiod: No one in government wants the war too end it is just to profitable at the taxpayer and civilians expense.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Fluffy, fluff
I will return to Fluff and yesterday I spent a good day I at the movies seeing first run pics.... Both were fluff one was Ghostrider and the other was The Messenger of the two I enjoyed The Messenger the most... There something comforting about a ghost story made by someone of the Asian culture... Rarely is Satan invoked to explain the phenomenon usually very human and very mundane emotional reasons cause the horror. Which make the story refreshing to a culture that blames all its unexplained mishaps on THe GReat SAtanic Conspiracy....Watching Haunting on Discovery Channel makes one believe that SAtan prefers chasing big haired housewives around,in red state track house communities, terrorizing them and local fundie deomonologists....Such a common occurance this is one wonders who is exactly out there among the evil forces is planning the ENd Times... Maybe Tim La haye and his bunch will have to do both sides of the wars logistics since all these demons attention is being diverted to buxom bighaired houswives....
Ghostrider was a great disappointment to my husband as he read the comic as a child...I found it unattentionally funny and I feel and hope the person who wrote it did so with tongue and cheek...There was the usually anti-Wicca propaganda The elementals are demons bullshit...But when SAtan played by ex-hippie Peter Fonda appears to make Nicholas Cage in an alley a ghostrider, above shines a Texaco STar making one wonder is it the pentacle that is demonic or is it a sly dig that the oil business is in satan hands. After such a great day celebrating Love Day for the Anti-fertile the weekend should get better....
Friday, February 16, 2007
Love day for anti-fertile
Today the day after Valentines and Lupercalia is I think a great day to start a new Holiday... ANti-fertility day for the socially conscious amongst us who have stepped up to the bat and decided for the sake of the planet and humanity to withhold from breeding..... To day should be the day that couples married, co-habiting , gay or straight who are remaining anti-fertile is the day for the rest of society should say thank you... That fourth child you want is probably only feasible because someone went to bat and said I will not be breeding for the sake any future child....
The anti-fertile have a reputation of being immature and selfish that needs to be disspelled... Most anti-fertile are not Peter and Petra Pans refusing to grow up we think alot about children and in positive ways.... Most like children and are introspective to the point that they realize the responsiblity raising a child incurs and also How bad the environment will be and society when they are adults.... We Know that it will not be made better having childrennn willy-nilly.... To us large families are the modern moral equivalent of Nero fiddling as Rome burned(He was really playing the harp...)
We are not selfish and we do not believe we attain immortality through any children we produce... Immortality is attained living our life not making some child miserable by forcing our hopes on them.... One should have a child only when one can give them a future and the tools get a future.... Global warming is only being made worse by excessive fertility of the human species next time someone tells they do not want to breed support them>>> They came to the descision by thinking about it a great deal..... Not by lack of thought.....
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Oh Quizzes
For the last two times on the internet I have obssessively been doing quizzes off two sites one is truly-dippy quizzes and another is blogthings, I am so easily amused. I found out that I am a night elf and an flying unicorn. Maybe if I put the two quizzes together I am shapeshifting night elf/flying unicorn..... My clothing is urban edge dipping in either goth or minimalist black and I am not a redneck. The last one I was most grateful to discover..... But I am slothful and will probably die in bed from some catastrophie because I am too lazy to move myself to save myself.
AS I said I am easily amused and I am tired of kevtching about the world so realm of quizzeses has entered my cyber-space and my husband and I are now in a race to see who can wake-up and get to the computer first.
Talking about my partner I must brag on the man not only does he paint the beautiful pictures on this site but he made a beautiful desk in the closet in his studio that now houses the computer and I now have a meditation and ritual room ..... Now will be able to practice yoga and commune with the universe and hopefully get in to a more optimistic frame of mind...... I am feeling bad vibes about the election, but I am a pessimist at heart.
I think that liberal minded people should not allow the dem win in the last election make themselves overconfident. Americans have a bad habit of living down to lower expectations when it comes to doing the right thing, most of us would rather do the convenient thing and vote for rhetoric with sloppy logic than accept the hard truth that hard work and higher taxes are going to be needed to heal a raped and traumatized America........ So I will meditate and do rituals and hope to Goddess logic and reason prevail in 2008.
Monday, February 12, 2007
forgivness addiction and religion
My Husband is in his studio painting, He just finished designing a new computer desk and soon I will have a room for meditating and doing yoga and a ritual room... I honestly believe that people need room to do the things they love... I love ritual devotion but I must fight the need to be lazy continually... I have a good live and now with my two blogs I have a way to throw out to the universe my outrage and spirituallity.... Having studied other spiritual and religious traditions I have found in them a phobia against anger and a obsessive-complusive desire to force forgiveness on victim of trauma... I am puzzled about this because when a prophet comes down from the mountain in righteous rage rarely do the people who worship him tell him to TAKE a chill pill..... Yet a women gets rape or a man is injured in a robbery everyone is on their backs about forgiveness especially if the said crime is done by a so-called pillar of society.....
I realised meditating on this is that rarely is a religion concerned with the anger and crimes of the elite... In their job as a societal sedative religions have sold their souls.... to the lower classes, the oppressed, to women the mantra is that anger is evil and forgiveness must come first in ones mind unless the prepatrator is also of an oppressed class then an eye for an eye is used to slake the cultures anger, later they will press the victim to forgive.
Forgiveness can never be forced, you cannot pray it into existence it only enters the soul when you realize what a sad sack the person who hurt you is and you care more about leaving the persons influence than holding on to the anger.....Relative who harmed one I have seen in myself and others are rarely forgiven until they are dead or permanently out of your life..... In rare occurances were the prep is truely remorseful and has tried to rectify the wrong that rare miracle of true forgiveness occurs.... For many people being civil to the prep and relative is the only forgiveness they can give and remain in a relationship..... But that is enough and it is really great amount of generosity on the part of the victim that rarely is praised in all the religious tract and pseudo-psycho-religo psycho babble popular today.... Do you really need to forgive someone A person harmed by another NEVER NEEDS TO FORGIVE THAT PERSON they only need not retaliate that in itself is a great form of forgiveness that is pooh-pooohed and minimized in our retribution driven society.
If I do not want forgive someone no big deal I just do not let them rule my mental space or life... Not forgiving someone usually means that my instinct is telling me not to trust that person.... Human instinct is for self preservation. Religions Hate it because it would rather you trust their employees rather that your own intinct.... That is why instinct and its wisdom is ridicule, called female intuition, old wives tale, for men femenine side or being chicken.
Factoid six: The world can be saved by only one person and that person at a time. I can only save myself but i can help myself and others with care not books and guns.
Anti-factoid six: Cold weather in the spring time doesnot mean there is no global warming it means that we screwed up GAIA'S INTERNAL CLOCK ,,,
Monday, February 05, 2007
I was thinking about Eurynome today. After circle this Saturday I have thought about the Greek Gods a Great deal. The ritual for Imbolc was a celebration of Greek myth that brought home how much information I picked up about the Greed Goddesses as a child It is the Pantheon I know the most about. There is a beauty in the Greek gods that I loved as a child a lack of harshness unlike those found in other peoples religion. They were not perfect and disliked and held in horror two things Cannibalism and Hubris... When stumped with meting out punishment for a moral infraction they believed in compromise.... There is a lightness in them that has survived the thrashing of their reputations by other religions and their own actions...
There are many gods in the greek stories and many a creation story because many different city state would have a different Goddess as the creatrix. Well circle was a re-doing of the greek mysteries of Demeter and Kore and the return of Kore. Of all the circles I had been to in the last few years this one had the most atmosphere of sanctity around it. It was a though the Greek gods themselves were holding their breathes and in the end they most asuredly gave their approval to the ceremonies. Well blessed IMBOLC to all. Forgot to post on the 2-3
Friday, February 02, 2007
Kitty cat and Kitty spirituality
I have two cats one is a calm, serene and black cat and the other is male tuxedo cat that one day walked in the door right in front of the noses of the two dogs and the spasming of calm cat to take over the house. Little did he know he would get his little self neutered for that show of bravado. Since then my poor female cat knows no peace unless he is asleep or outside, the poor dear is developing ticks.
Lately I have noticed that the tux cat is developing a form of kitty spirituality or may-be I am becoming one of those wacky cat ladies who thinks their kitty is st. francis reborn.
It started with my Buddhist statues disappearing. Then my husband mentioned that the cat(tux) ran off with one a few days ago. Then pentacle jewelery started going missing and medicine bags disppeared. I grabbed him and asked him if he was working up a big mojo, but he would not look me in the eye.
Then he started praying to the porcelain god. Everytime my husband or I went to the toilet he would scuddle in and pretend he was cute little harmless kitten and pigs fly,.as hub would tell him. Then he would climb up and watch the ritual of the flush making certain everything left the bowl. Soon he would go to the bathroom and stare at us in the living room using his kitty powers of focus and mesmerisim to get one of use to come in and do the ritual again so he could partake of it.... I think I realize what he is praying to a the minature buddhas I had and made secret altar. I think he wants in his next life to be something flushable to know the great mystery.... That mystery fascinates him to no end. ... May-be he is a kitty einstein coming up the the Theory of relakitty....
Factoid four: Janus Joplins Music is proof that Goddess loves us and wants us soothed, too bad Janus did not have time to learn and feel Her love.
no anti-fractoid still a holiday.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Imbolc Poetry DAy.
- Fire Festival I just love it I wish that there could be a huge bonfire at circle and we could burn effigies of tyrants for good luck. Since I am being nice I will not go in to detail and description of said tyrants, but open the mind and just start imaginating as my partner likes to say. There is a call on the net for poetry to celebrate the fire Goddess Brigid for the celts so lets be a bard today and honor her with offerings OKlahoma Dreaming Oh verdant plain of endless miles I walk a path to see your soul Around me bud the newborn flowers As Spring she eases Winter's hold Ahead of me there runs a stream It winds its way to meet its mate Together they will grow in force Until they push down to the sea. Up in the sky there flies a hawk In lazy circles she does dance Her partner, wind, lightly blows His southern breath it warms the plain Good-bye Madame winter dear Your visit was most kind this year I see shy Lady Spring has come She quietly returns to start the play Soon after comes Queen Summers advent and with this Lady the wheat will ripen The grouse will play among the grain The mice will scamper in the heat A bawdy Autumn Dame will enter The harvest moon will rise again Her glorious colors shall sheath the trees As Winter starts to gather her strength The Madame Winter will return I'll shake within her cold stare Her beauty icy to behold The year will die and be reborn again. The plain she watches quietly all The ancient drama replayed again She knows that she will still be here When I am a memory of the wind. not public domain copyrighted March 1999 Sophia
Factoid Three: All european pagan societies had bards all were honored many were blind .
No unpleasant fact Its a holiday.
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