Sunday, May 27, 2007


Well the next Full Moon needs to be named the Bee Moon as many will be doing rituals to help the flagging bee colonies here in the UsA. It is something that has been worrying me and my partner and We have both decided to do a ritual on the evening of the full moon instead of waiting until circle on the saturday after It is to important an issue and the full moon night needs to be used completely. The last few days I have been adding to my collection of indoor plants for my ritual room and for the last two days have been hand sewing new curtains. This week will see the completion of the re-decorating and reorginazation of the home and I can spend summer workin on the outdoors and the gardens. So the next few days will be spent investigating and investing in helping the Bees and This weeek I will be as busy as a bee.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

oh heil

My partner calls the new Pope "the Nazi' I of course wanted to give the man a chance but, yet again, I must bow to my companions strong intuitive sense when it comes to smelling out a new media personality. I call the Pope a media personality because I am Pagan and barley tolerate so-called Pagan leadership let alone other religious people bosses..I must say that the man started out with a bang leaving the gate with the Annoucement that PAGANS caused the Holocaust..This must have been a great surprise to Hilter sitting in some bardo or maybe he was a fly on the wall when they came up with that angle at the Conference for absolving Christianinity for past crimes. In true form he went on to state in Brazil that Indegenous people where praying to be enslaved and introduced to christ.. Thus now are offended all the indigenous people who are still kissing up to the church with hope that in doing so they will win a political ally for social justice. Thus proving to the brazilians that are returning to indigenous faith that they were right in their asessment of the church...No longer do they have to worry, the Pope has proved their suspiscions were correct as is their decision to return to their original faith..In going conservative I believe that the church is in the long term losing the battle for the Hearts and mind by playing to the religico-fascists in their midst. AS for the Pagans creating the Holocaust has a article written by a german whose grandparents were SS. and father a Hitler Jungen on Hitlers true religious beliefs in Hitlers own words. .. My parents were both in Germany during the war one set as slave labour the other as refugees.. I never heard them blame the huge germanic pagan hoard for WW2..I did hear some cussing of Catholics and Lutherans when it came to cupability

Sunday, May 13, 2007

mother's day

Well today is Mother's Day and I find it a sad day..The preceding saw me in a horrible temper driving my poor partner mad but he started the eruption of Mt. Sonia. I find that today I need to take a rest from energy work and meditation.. I need to allow my subconscious to precolate and let my emotions settle..I do not believe that my departed mother and my relationship with her will ever have closure..She was not a woman one could reason with and in her final years I found that showing her or getting her to understand the amount of torment her raising of me engendered within me, impossible..She was old and helpless, she would never realize what she did wrong and it was to late to fix the damage..I Do not like to torment old people with their mistakes, because they do not have the time repair the damage..Most of them do not feel that what they did or believed was wrong..INvariable the problem becomes you and the need for you to get to church and not their belief system. Well I hope that other people Mother's Days are better.. I will be lunching with the in-laws I am not looking forward to my partner will need to bribe me with plants to adopt for my indoor and outdoor garden..I am enjoying my brief foray in the territory of the terrible twos of the middle-aged.. merrie part from the hinterland ( one day civilization will reach us) or better (the indigenous peoples will take over again)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The elusive nature of spells

I had an interesting discussion with my husband about the nature of magick, spells and hexxes..My husband doesnot do magick aside from an occasional healing circle or holiday spell at circle..His magickal abilities are channeled into his art that he creates..I ask him if he wished to have a hex on a person negated would he break it or return it to the source. ..I was for breaking it because I figured that returning it would be bad karma...but my husband goes "no definately return it" as it is a living thing the spell or hexx...That was the first time that Thought of a spell or hexx as a living being but I could see were he was coming from the hexx is made of energy and thus could be alive to send it back to the source allows the orginator of the spell or hexx to have the chance to rehabilitate the hexx...thus what ever singnature energy the originator has infuused the spell with is not harmed and returned the original owner...But what if spells are a living entity or alive the way bacteria or viruses are is it ethical to use them to do our bidding or are they just like yogurt cultures beneficial to mankind or like viruses a danger..these things are percolating in my mind I see in my minds eyes spells roaming the nethersphere like small dragons going to appointed destinations...Now that is something to visualize when raising energy.. merrie part from the hinterlands...