Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The elusive nature of spells

I had an interesting discussion with my husband about the nature of magick, spells and hexxes..My husband doesnot do magick aside from an occasional healing circle or holiday spell at circle..His magickal abilities are channeled into his art that he creates..I ask him if he wished to have a hex on a person negated would he break it or return it to the source. ..I was for breaking it because I figured that returning it would be bad karma...but my husband goes "no definately return it" as it is a living thing the spell or hexx...That was the first time that Thought of a spell or hexx as a living being but I could see were he was coming from the hexx is made of energy and thus could be alive to send it back to the source allows the orginator of the spell or hexx to have the chance to rehabilitate the hexx...thus what ever singnature energy the originator has infuused the spell with is not harmed and returned the original owner...But what if spells are a living entity or alive the way bacteria or viruses are is it ethical to use them to do our bidding or are they just like yogurt cultures beneficial to mankind or like viruses a danger..these things are percolating in my mind I see in my minds eyes spells roaming the nethersphere like small dragons going to appointed destinations...Now that is something to visualize when raising energy.. merrie part from the hinterlands...

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