Friday, October 31, 2008
trick and treat
well today is soon the beginning of samhain before coming to this site I saw a great story that two new Van Gogh have been found. they have been tested authenticity and frames were made by the same artist shop and the paint is the same mix as other pictures he has painted at that time. It is strange that at the begining of the yearly honoring of the dead one of the dead has gifted us with more beauty.
Friday, October 24, 2008
time turns on Celtic new year
well samhain is coming and this year we will be at home to celebrate. for months now I HAVE been working on not being a reactionary bitch which for me mean no news and anything else that is interesting because I of course have an opinion on everything. So on this holiday I will continue stick my head in the proverbial hole in the ground.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
I need to apologise for misspellings and grammatical errors on my web page I just learned on Truly-dippy quizzes that I bastardise the language and have to admit that I am sloppy in grammar and proof-reading well bb.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
May Day
Walpurgis night has past. Satan and his minions the hamsters were nowhere in sight not a nibble on my feet. I enjoyed the walpurgis nacht and the celebrations that went with it. I like the pagan religion because it is a joyful one and respectful of others no one preaches hate or anger at the ritual and festivals. it about the celebration of life and not one of telling the practioner how not to screw up. which is good because probably alot of Neo-pagan are what society would look down at and call screw-ups. If we are hateful and angry it is on our blogs and that is something that if a person does not want to see or read they can move ON . Well nothing much to talk about still recovering MERRY PART AND BLESSED BE.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Well an another holiday is coming up this last week was Sommerblot and this week circle will celebrate Beltaine. Sommerblot my husband and I celebrated quietly at home. Next saturday we will go to circle. I need to find a recipe for the pot luck to make a vegetarian and meat dishes. I am being inspired just by writing. I think that eggplant dish will be good and maybe a meat loaf and if I have enough money a cake. I like to cook for others instead of being a mover and shaker.
WEll Happy Beltaine to all mp and bb.
Friday, April 25, 2008
needlepoint and the pope
I have been avoiding the the news because it seemed stuck on the pope and the Little house on the Prairie Cult in texas. So I am woefully out of touch with the real world and that is fine with me. I spent my time watching forensic psychology shows. And now bored with that I have stooped to Showbiz Tonight. If it were not for Wire in the Blood, Monk and Profiler I would get rid of the sat.. But I have new glasses and I picked up my needlepoint again after winning 1st place in a creative arts festival. doing needlepoint goes quicker with background noise. Well Merry part and Blessed be.
Friday, April 18, 2008
abuse, forgiveness and rebellion
There are really two ways that a person may react to abuse, especially someone recovering from it one that has occurred in childhood they may Identify with the abuser so much that all they want to hear are the empty platitudes that bureaucrats give to get out trouble and pacify the natives or they may reach the point were they decide to fight no matter what refuse to let go of their protective fighting spirit. In our world unfortunately mankind has been raised by society when it comes to authority and its misbehaviour to be forgiveness addicts. There are things that cannot be forgiven because the sociopath that did the misdeed will never comprehend the act and the forgivee is never able to rest because they will never be at peace that it will not happen again.
People that are rogues work in silence and unless they are important to the powers that be they receive no protection. To be shuttled around and around to the target group that the victimizer enjoys hurting means that the authority is equally sociopathic in its desire to keep face. Kinda like the way the Japanese are trying to hide in some schools the fact that they bombed Pearl Harbour.
Friday, April 11, 2008
back to normal
Well I am back to normal the drugs wore off and no fairies or shadow people hiding under the bed. the cold weather and my husbands surgery snapped me back into reality. The protesters trying to put out the Olympic flame gave me a great deal of pleasure and I hope that the Buddhist world-wide realize that westerners do care for them. Catching Jim Carrey speaking about Burma was great to he look incredibly nervous but sincere and brave. I read a book The Gift of inner Peace I bought in a bin at Barnes and Noble it was comforting and got back to my Buddhist half. I view my faith as shaped by Buddhism, yoga and Wicca. But Wiccan I stay as long as it is an oppressed minority. I guess in this life that is my path to walk a line between east and west as my genetic code is.
mp bb
Sunday, March 30, 2008
unsettling disturbia
I SAW MY FIRST SHADOW PRESON A FEW WEEKS AGO. AFTER I HAD EMERGENCY SURGERY. i NEVER REALLY BELIEVED THEY existed and thought that people who saw them were panicked or hysterics. But I was calm and smoking a cigarette on my porch<> near death just made me want to smoke and eat more as though my addictions figured out that I was not immortal. but that happens every time I am facing death from various botched surgeries at the VA. Well the shadow startled me but I stood my ground as the being was across the street and when it left I Hightailed it up to my ritual room/ meditation room. then I felt bone chilling fear. But I figure they are a force of nature and if they ignored me then I will do the same with them.
Monday, March 24, 2008
in memorian
Well tragedy hit after circle this weekend when we returned home and our tuxedo cat Loki was dead in the road. My husband took it badly, very badly poor man. He buried him near our driveway because Loki loved stretch out and sun himself on it or on top of the van. I put a huge clay pot we have on top of it and I am going to plant forget- me- nots in it. Also stencil his name and the date of his crossing over. He was a good cat.
There is something that always causes the intellectual side of me to become infantilized when tragedy strikes especially when there has been months of hardship going on. I begin to wonder if I am cursed and I get stupidly superstious or I start to lose faith in my Goddess, or I wonder if I have offended the gods in anyway. When reason comes back I realise that this is Loki's karma playing out or maybe all the hardship and tragedy is bleep on a universal energy grid and instead of another family biting the bullet it is my little family doing so.
His picture is fuzzy because I could never catch him sitting still.
Monday, March 17, 2008
old reverberrations
in uganda a poor man had his house burned down because his neighbor's children accused him of being a witch. the neighbors were evangelicals and the man was a local herbalist...before going on and on about the evils of fundies and missionary work. I need to stop and say that I know the children are the cause of this. Just like the girls were guilty in Salem. But they were the first part of the crime. With the children it most probably started as an innocent lie. I was hanging around so and so Mr. Witches house because he impelled me to instead of I was curious. The poor man is in police custody but it sounds as though it is for protection than to prosecute for a crime
I have seen many children drawn to good and bad simply because a parent believed with a stout heart and closed mind that it was bad for their child. Right now in the heartland at Waldenbooks there is no New Age or Metaphysical section, Barnes and Nobles is much smaller and not publishing pagan books, and borders section is smaller also.
It seems as though christian literature and manga are pushing pagan themed and studies books out of these stores. It might be a small trend that will go away but if not I will have lost a good place to pick up a book without travelling to another town were the metaphysical store is.
Monday, March 03, 2008
tragedy in texas
In east texas a family died and the daughter is being blamed. It seems as though many news stories jump on the bad wagon of a quick suspect usually someone not liked in the small town. This famly was new to this town and not much is known of a previous life in another location and any enemies accured in another local...I am afraid that this will be a case of the locals not liking the teenage daughter and her group of friends...and the police happy with that quick resalution of the matter.
Saturday, March 01, 2008
magical day
well I return to the net after illness for many months ending with emergency surgery with a surgeon performing it that looked old enough to be going to the High School prom this year. I did not ask her how many surgeries she had done before mine as she looked and acted so jazzed at the fact that I was so easily dealt with and out the hospital in 3 days. my poor husaband on the other hand is maniacally playing warcraft and working out to get rid of the tension of his fears.
It has four weeks since the surgery I am so happy to be back getting the house in order and planting potted plants inside. I do not want to sound crazy but I swear that a dusk a ball of light 4inches round showed up in my second story window where the new pots had been planted it pulsed with energy. I think that the plants were blessed by the fey and this year it will be an easier year for the plants, the house and our family, me, my husband and the menagerie.
that happened three days ago and today another magickal event I found 3 nickels on my altar wondering what being gave the gift. For I have just learned that saving pennies is more important than quarters because gnomes value copper more than silver....If this sounds like oxygen depredation during surgery it is not it is I believe an intro into the true world of magick and Why do I belive because I went to the mall with the 3 nickels in my pocket As I was going down the escalator in front of me teenagers where throwing coins into a fountain below us> I threw at the foutain and the nickel landed at the hand of a boy kneeling next to the fountain. It was a miracle for me because I had lost hope in these months and by keeping faith in my wicca and my buddhism I have granted a look into a magckal world I wish to be a part of .
the path I decide is unorthodox but I am happy to know that I choose this path and the netherworld is happy with it.
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