Is it simply that life is so boring that people of a religious bent must make up stupid little causes to be for or against...Muslims do not wish to touch pork, these are muslim cashiers in some place with alot recent emigrees from Somali..I have nothing against these people asking me to scan my own bacon or sausage and packing it into a shopping bag...Having worked retail I do not view the cashier as a personal servant and If she is not rude about I do not think I would have a problem with it..But that is simply me I was raised a mixed race and religion family so accommedating others little bents and quirks come naturally....As long as said muslim is not stupping for the outlawing of pork products doing this favor for them doesnot bother me...When dealing with cashiers and other kinds of service personnell I have other problems that worry me such as if I wear my pentacle out and about will I given bad service and find hair in my food.. Will, I when I wear a symbol of my religion, be exposed rudeness, nastiness and bad service...UNFORTUNATELY YEAH...
I no longer wear a pentacle because being in a state of aroused indignation is a unpleasant attitude and is hard on the physical body and health...I have developed also a mini-phobia I do not trust people who wear crosses and I look at them askance when I met them because in my dealing with them is always the thought If they knew I was a pagan would they be smiling so much when they help me and sorry past experience has taught they will be quite serious, most probably sour faced and have a thin veneer of rudeness..But that is mono-charity for you...
Thank Goddess that the flowers have come and beauty is enfolding us with spring..
Well merry part from the provinces...