I just read an article about a protest in gathering about the Pentacle on gravestone for veterans as a disabled Vet I have decided to donate my body to science to give back to the universe practical use and good from my worn out husk...But the main reason is I live in a part of the country were even if They allow a pentale at my gravestone in VA cemetary I doubt my wishes will be honored and I do not want my husbands last memories of be of me be revolving around legal wrangling and Government High-jinks the VA Admin can not be trusted and lie bald face to veterans, family and ultimately to the law.... Their concern about the veteran is gauged by which party is in power and how liberal or conservative president and appointees are...If liberal dealing with them is not extremely hard or exhausting and sometimes they are helpful without even being asked... If the conservatives are in power and the director is overly religious help medical or any other is hard and being a Minority religion sets one up for abuse.... No I do not want my last days remembered as my husband needing to spend them arguing with whatever martinet is in charge of the VA Cemetary about what gets chiseled on my gravesstone...I would rather he remember me as sarcastic bitch with a rapier wit who would only back down if he asks me to, but would really fight for social justice. no matter what. My fight is mine and if my husband was the Vet I would fight to the death for his pentacle but for him I know my death would be hard enough for him to deal with....
Well anyway in the article they talk to an executive that works at Llewellyn she is described as doing wiccan rites but not a wiccan... I am certain that this is a misguote, but if not, is not doing wicca rites yet not being a wiccan or pagan or not Identifying or qualifying at least a pagan or goddess-worshipper a bit like a person going to catholic mass and having communion but telling people no I am not a Catholic... To such I have kind i have developed a bitchy attitude it is like, "shit or get off the pot" to be blunt....We do not need outsiders to view us as Diletantes and Dabblers in the occult that will not get us taken seriously or reverse discrimination. I would rather see an devout ascerbic goth or ren faire Maid gushing about the beauty a Wicca and the evils of discrimination than have my religion charcterized as the dabblings of yuppie new agers... Believe me there is a Conservative writer who charcaterizes us as this all ready a religion made up by the spoiled youth of the Elite. Instead of one of substance practicised by the devout chrsitian poor in america and believe me that kind of thinking sells amongst the yahoo's in the bible belt...Shabby social theory to explain and justify paranoia works amongst people in uneducated states like the bIble belt.....
So I would rather have a Lady Moonbeam and Meadow as an example than some hip, slick and cool person with well scrub demeanor of a christian pop singer any day. I grew up in the heyday of the hippie to me pagans were hippies and Jewish intellectual feminists I loved them both and I see nothing wrong in being counter-culture, conformity is the death of spirituality.
merry part
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